AT&T Inc. (T) Sector
Communication Services

(Current) $22.70
0.15 (0.67%) Open Price: 25.72

AT&T Inc. is a multinational telecommunications company and one of the largest providers of telecommunications and digital entertainment services in the United States. The company has a long and storied history, dating back to its founding in 1876 as the Bell Telephone Company by Alexander Graham Bell. Over the years, the company underwent several mergers and name changes, eventually becoming American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) in 1885.

AT&T's primary business is providing communication services to both individual consumers and businesses. It operates a vast wireless network, offering mobile and data services to millions of customers across the United States. Additionally, AT&T offers wired internet and landline phone services, as well as television services through its subsidiary DirecTV.

AT&T has played a significant role in shaping the telecommunications industry. It was once a government-sanctioned monopoly, but in 1984, as part of an antitrust settlement, the company was forced to divest its local exchange service. This led to the creation of several regional Bell operating companies.

In recent years, AT&T has expanded its business into the media and entertainment industry. In 2015, it acquired DirecTV, one of the largest satellite television providers in the United States. In 2018, AT&T acquired Time Warner, which owns an extensive portfolio of media properties, including Warner Bros. Entertainment, HBO, and CNN. This acquisition allowed AT&T to enter the content creation and distribution market, providing a comprehensive suite of communication and entertainment services to its customers.

As technology continues to evolve, AT&T remains at the forefront of innovation, investing in advanced networks, 5G technology, and other emerging technologies to meet the ever-changing demands of its customers and maintain its position as a leader in the telecommunications and media industry.

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